Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why Emanuel is Running Illinois | NBC Chicago

"... Obama and Emanuel are two different types of politicians. Obama wants to do something -- expanding access to health care is the motivating cause of his career. Emanuel just wants to be something. Although Obama essentially appointed Emanuel mayor of Chicago, Nadig Newspapers columnist Russ Stewart points out that Emanuel has much more in common with another Democratic president, Bill Clinton:

Emanuel, like his mentor, Bill Clinton, does not view issues or problems in the context of right or wrong, liberal or conservative. His goal is not to please his political base. Rather, every crisis or controversy is an opportunity and is viewed in the context of being beneficial or detrimental to Emanuel’s career advancement. It’s all about positioning to avoid aligning with political extremes on issues and embracing a “third way” -- thereby minimizing political damage."

Posted via email from Brian's posterous

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