Saturday, February 13, 2010

Republican leaders deceptive faux-populism -the president’s tone-deaf expressing admiration for Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs-- Palin’s Cunning Sleight of Hand -

"Palin...a testament to the blinding intensity of the economic anger and anxiety roiling the country. It also shows the power of an incessant bumper-sticker fiction to take root when ineffectually challenged — and, most crucially, the inability of Democrats to make a persuasive case that they offer anything better... the president’s tone-deaf interview expressing admiration for “very savvy businessmen” like Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs... ingeniously identified himself with the most despised aspects of both Washington and Wall Street — the bailout and the most Americans, Blankfein is a savvy businessman only in the outrageous sense that he managed to grab his bonus some 17 months after the taxpayers had the good grace to save him from going out of business altogether.

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