Saturday, March 19, 2011

What's Next for Chicago Public Schools? | Politics | Chicago Reader

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I worry about the influence that the Gates and the Walton Foundation have on the push for charter schools across the US, fortified with strong support from Arne Duncan.
Remember when Huberman graded each CPS school? He included charters, too. VERY few charters got a passing grade. The vast majority received Ds and Fs. Nevertheless,
the Trib's editorial yesterday effusively praised charters, saying their success was due to te absence of a teachers union. This week the NY Times wrote about Detroit, and tis effort to turn city schools into charters, even though charters in Detroit are not performing as well as the city's schools.
This group of billionaires just wants to bust the unions. Our Dem. President and Education Sec'y support this GOP agenda, cynically believing that we working families will have no other option in 2012. I see this as a major political mistake for the President, for the party, and a personal tragedy for many working families, sometimes headed by a mom who is a single parent living and working on the south side.

Posted by post haste on March 18, 2011 at 9:07 AM | Report this comment

Don't worry, Megan Cottrell will be there to do the PR work when the time comes.…

You know what I say? If something isn�t working, it deserves to be destroyed.

Posted by FGFM on March 18, 2011 at 9:51 AM | Report this comment

"Huberman caught Daley's eye", I think that's the key phrase there, if you know what I mean!!!

Posted by brods on March 18, 2011 at 3:44 PM | Report this comment

I don't know about the gay angle, but Daley certainly has a hang-up about the military. I saw a rather bizarre rant of his on the floor of the City Council where he claimed that regular teachers couldn't instruct cadets in those CPS military academies because they supposedly don't love America, etc. I don't see what that has to do with their ability to teach trigonometry. The 11th Ward alderman James Balcer is an ex-military nut who rants and raves about Jane Fonda, so Daley seems pretty comfortable with those types around him.

Posted by FGFM on March 18, 2011 at 5:10 PM | Report this comment

I think the best thing about teachers unions is that teacher retention is based on seniority and not performance. So the best teachers get frustrated and leave and the horrible teachers stay on, get more seniority and never leave and can never be terminated no matter how horrible they are. And most of them in CPS are horrible.

The best part is Chicago is billions in debt thanks to the generous pension and benefits we provide for these long tenured horrible teachers. But good news is on the horizon, we are broke so they will be getting nothing very soon.

The teacher unions and other public sector unions don't provide some protection against an evil corporation, the public sector bosses are the citizens of Chicago, the taxpayers. And the purse strings are controlled by corrupt politicians in the back pocket of the unions. Unfortunately, it is our money, our taxdollars, that is sitting in the politician's purses. It's free money to them. They didn't earn it. They are stealing it, along with the unions. Well the party is over boys.

Posted by Antjuan Johnson on March 19, 2011 at 7:33 AM | Report this comment

Posted via email from Brian's posterous

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